About Biology Lab
Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. The interactive board connected to a computer system and projector makes the biology lessons more effective and interesting.

About Chemistry Lab
The Chemistry Laboratory provides a platform for students to nurture the budding scientist within them. The Lab is provided with devices like- Fume hood, Distillation unit, Electronic weighing machine, Bunsen burners, beakers and flasks. The acids and other reactive chemicals are stored in separate locked cupboards as a further precautionary measure. The students are provided with separate workstations with individual burners. The apparatus includes the common place strikers, mortar and pestle, clay triangles, watch glasses, crucibles, crucible tongs, chemical spoon, stirring rods, filter funnels and a variety of stoppers.
About Physics Lab
VEC is proud to have a well equipped Physics Laboratory with facilities that equip the students to have a hands on experience. The Flat-topped tables used as student workstations allow multiple arrangements and combinations for laboratory work and small-group activities. The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, glass prism to the advanced apparatus like voltmeter, ammeter and resistors and spectrometers to name a few. The laboratory is also equipped with an Interactive board and an LCD projector that allows the teachers to incorporate the latest technology in their lessons to arouse the interest and curiosity of the students.